Things have been a bit crazy recently.
First off, the Musical is over.
We had our third and final performance on the 17th (2 Saturdays ago) and it was our best performance yet, in terms that we had our most largest number of audience of over 100, mostly excited kids, and they gave us a fantastic response. I typically caught a cold during the week leading up to our 2nd performance, but managed to blast my nasal voice out, and most people said they didn't notice that I had a cold! I died briskly afterwards. My cold had not 100% recovered for our third performance though I was much better than I was for the second show, and again, no one noticed but I was frustrated in myself... All in all however, nothing went dramatically wrong and I think we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, yet I think we were all happy to see the end of it!
The day after the third show I sort of "celebrated" by watching 2 films in a row at the cinema with my mate. Well...we hadn't exactly planned to originally, it was just that we hadn't checked the times of films and decided that we had nothing better to do, and as I wanted to see both films, we watched both of them, haha.
The first film we watched was 'NINE'. This was highly erotic, sexy, full of cigarettes, garters, dance, music and covered the dirty depths of fame and the film industry, with strong women; making it my kind of film, so to speak. I imagined it to be like Chicago, one of my favourite films, and it was in the way it switched to on-stage musical and film, but there was something different about it... Perhaps it's because I've seen Chicago on stage as well but I felt that NINE works better as a film, although I don't actually know if it is an on-stage musical or not...need to look that up. The cast were fantastic, especially Penelope Cruz, in my opinion, who shone out by far. I knew she was a beautiful lady but she really was gorgeous in this film. She played the cute but saucy character (who's name I forget) brilliantly. Plus she had the best outfits (underwear included).
Next week is "Golden Week" in Japan. Don't ask me where the "cool English naming" comes from, but it's basically a week, no, actually 3 days (notice the incorrect use of "week" here), where practically everyone in Japan who works gets time off work. And do you know what happens when practically everyone has the same time off? Practically everywhere gets crowded and busy. Forget going to Disneyland guys, it's just not worth it. As to me, as I'm an incredibly lucky foreigner working via a "lazy foreigner contract" and not a "hardcore Japanese" one, I've managed to book 2 extra days off, and including my weekends which I have off anyway, I'm heading to Tokyo from Friday till Sunday, and I'm visiting Fukouka 福岡 until Thursday. The Fukouka prefecture is further south of Tokyo, and is in the Kyuushuu 九州 district.
I have a lovely friend who lives there from when I knew her when she lived in England, and she has kidnly let me stay at her house. This was actually the area I chose for where I'd have liked to have lived and worked as an ALT (this job as an Assistant Language Teacher), as it had a lot of history and Japanese-esque to it but is not as big and popular as Kyoto and Osaka, and it seemed warmer. Yeah, no snow. No offence, Hokkaido. In saying that, I don't actually know much about the area itself, except that it's famous for Ramen ラーメン (Japanese noodles) and they have a cute dialect
Oh, and guess what. Tomorrow?
Tokyo Jihen 東京事変 gig, concert, confession of my love, whatever!!
I'm going to see one of my favourite bands in Sapporo 札幌, and I'm going to see my all time favourite lady Ringo Shiina 椎名林檎!!!
(I'll probably be excitedly updating on my phone through Twitter, in case anyone wants to see pictures or read my fangirl squeals).
...although, I looked up where my seat was on the Hall website, and it's 2 rows from the back upstairs, on the very right. I almost shed a tear at how bad the seats were, and how far away I'd be from the stage
But, I'm grateful I just get to go to the gig ♥