This time last year, I was enjoying 'Golden Week' on a beautiful beach under the sun, lying in my cute Betsy Johnson dress-style swimming costume and sunglasses, savouring a Cornetto ice cream.
This year, I am shivering in my office in the spring of Hokkaido, the doom and gloom reminiscent of the unfortunate weather conditions back home.
In all truth, I have no money.
I raise my hand in admitting all faults are of yours truly.
And so, in a desperate attempt to save, but also seeking play in my precious time off, I've stayed in my area, and enjoyed the first 'GW' 3 day weekend with friends who also happened to stick around, as well as getting my hair cut and re-coloured amongst other fun little things (pictures at my photo blog).
Plus, May-already-I-still-have-no-job-for-August-OMG. Though, I have been sending in applications to almost anything available in Sapporo, and have had a bunch of interviews which I still need to hear back from. One could say things are at a steady pace.
The main reason I updated this Blog with quite an empty post (due to having just updated my photo blog…still not doing a great job at keeping the balance there), is because I'm announcing a name change.
Online, I mean.
I've decided to no longer use my real name, but to go by the alias of "Narise".
I used stupid web names in the past in which my teen years thought were super cool, and had reverted to using my own name after noting the un-coolness of my previous ones, though I think that, as everything I post, publish and tweet is public these days, and as I sometimes, ahem, moan and groan a little about "certain matters", it might be best to keep my head down. Not that I really think I've posted anything outrageous, but "better safe than sorry", as is the over-used but perhaps sensible phrase goes.
Speaking of certain matters, I adore my Head. Not the one on my shoulders mind you, it's not a bad head, but it's rather rusty and stupid in places, but…trailing off.
He's the Head of my department, the Bosses of all the bosses within the sections of the department, if you like. I'd always enjoyed chatting to him when I'd gotten the chance and he's always looked out for me, and now that my seat is pretty much bang next to his after our office rearrangement in April there are more opportunities for him to talk to me, and I love it! He seems to like England and has an interest in English, and asks me a lot about British culture, whilst also explaining and introducing Japanese culture to me. He even gets me little presents like chocolate once in a while, and I treated him back with a bar of
Cadbury's as British chocolate came up in our conversation once. He has also acknowledged my latest obsession with
Kumamon (planning on posting about that in detail soon), and let's me happily ramble on about him and has even got me a Kumamon gift! It's a shame, really. If I'd have been in this seat earlier than maybe I would've stayed. Actually, if he'd have been my boss and worked closely with me, I know I would've stayed.
He's the one person I'll be sad to leave at the end of July.