Also, as with the blood-type horoscope that Japanese people love, I agree that I am also carefree and do as I please, and though I admit I don't always pay as much attention when the topic bores me, I do listen to what people have to say (Blood type Bs are said to not listen to other people and just talk about themselves).
I also hate the idea of being categorised and moulded into a certain type just because my blood or date of birth places me there (the want of wanting to be "free" again....see a pattern reoccurring?). However, the one thing I do find that amusingly fits me almost perfectly is the "Animal Horoscopes" (Doubutsu Uranai) that they have here in Japan. The year, date and month of your birth defines which animal you are, and I am the Pegasus. I translated the description into English here:
'The Flamboyant Super Carefree Temperamental type'
Just like the Pegasus that flies high in the big sky, you are person full of different moods and love to be free. Due to that, you can't stand being "chained down".
However, when it comes to having understandings or abilities of deciding what's good or valuable, especially in connection with feelings, art and social activities, you are a genius.
You have a tendency to bring your ability into full power at the last minute
You have a mysterious side, and the fact that you are difficult to grasp is one of your special characteristics.
In general you are a very lazy person, so when it comes to love and relationships you never make any moves. You have the ability of picking up on the other person's true feelings, no matter how subtle.
'A female Pegasus is Mysterious'
A female pegasus is overflowing with mystery, which makes her attractive. She laughs and cries, and her feelings are always abundantly clear.
She loves luxury, and makes prompt decisions to buy expensive things.
'Special Qualities of a Pegasus'
Things they like: To do as they please
Things they hate: To feel restricted
In terms of hanging out with people of the same age/friends: Not good at hanging out often & hates being clingy
In terms of girlfriends/boyfriends: Likes to be close, but also keeping a distance, enjoys the comfort of each other's company
In terms of being an older acquaintance (senpai): Is too busy being caught up in own world & doesn't have the time to look out for younger ones (kouhais)
In terms of being a younger acquaintance (kouhai): Criticise too much & he/she'll run away
In terms of being an older co-worker: Likes younger co-workers who have their own principals who work independently
In terms of being a younger co-worker: Is not good at working in a team/group
In terms of being a teacher: Has a high respect for students daring to be unique & free
Makes frequent appearances at: Parties, generally turns up to things when he/she feels like it
'Critical characteristics'
As the animal of a "Pegasus" does not actually exist in our world, he/she hates feeling restricted and will fly away to any other place at any time.
He/she can be quite sensitive at sudden moments, and doesn't like to be told detailed instructions. He/she loves luxury and admires the celebrity lifestyle, and is very good at "using people".
Even if he/she is with a group of people or friends, he/she has the tendency of suddenly disappearing.
Her/His feelings are extremely moody and changing, and he/she doesn't try to hide it.
If he/she wants to make a point, he'll/she'll make it in one simple statement.
Before declining an offer/invitation from her/him, she'll/he'll decline it first.
When he/she is feeling happy and excited he/she is really out there, but when something happens and he/she "falls from the sky", the fall is a big one, and he/she is a big state of shock.
A lot of people can't keep up with her/his energetic and speedy actions and lifestyle.
Taken and translated (though not all content) from: http://www.doubutsu-uranai.com/uranai_12chara.php
So there you have it. I'm basically a pain in the arse, haha.
About 90% of what is written there is me, though I like to think I look out for and take care of younger people more than just getting caught up in my own world, though I am in there a lot. I actually quite like looking after people (though not all the time), and my heart always goes out to younger kids/people. It probably comes from being the elder of 2 brothers.
Also, although I agree my emotions are always running on a roller-coaster I tend not to show it as much as a Pegasus supposedly does. I'm very open in showing my expressions when I'm excited, happy, nervous etc, but I tend to hide it when I'm sad, angry or depressed. Or rather, I make sure I don't meet other people when I do, because I hate to be a burden and I know I'm not good at hiding it. In saying that, I hardly get sad/mad/depressed anyway, probably due to my personality being so super-duper positive. But I am very easily moved by music, films and other people's talks/experiences, and so, sometimes, I shy away a tear.
Feel free to type in your birthday and see for yourself what animal you are, and see if you agree with what it says (note that knowledge of the Japanese language is needed): http://www.doubutsu-uranai.com
I remember doing this a few years ago! there is one english site that does it, too...I got "green pegasus". pegasus power!!!