In the slight case that anyone follows this blog, I will address to it a reader;
you may have noticed
quite a few changes to my Blog recently.
I have started a tumblr blog.
As I have no internet access at home and because I am often out and about I frequently use my iphone , and tumblr was much easier to update and view via a smart phone application. Also, you needn't really type a whole lot of text for a post, which makes it easier to update on a regular basis.
My tumblr is where I will post simple, short posts with photos introducing the food I eat, bought, and so forth, all in relation to my new ethical lifestyle (which I will come to later). I have synced my tumblr so that certain posts will automatically be added to this blog too, to give it more content.
I will still use this Blog separately from my tumblr by typing the occasional lengthy text post, or adding more detail to a tumblr post that was posted here as well.
Therefore, if you own a tumblr account or prefer content to be short and simple, don't mind my reposts of other inspirational blog posts and are, of course, interested in my life you can
follow me there.
If you would rather read only my own posts and don't mind the occasional blabber of text, and, as said above, are interested in any of this you can continue following me here at my Blogger.

And so,
what's all this about an "ethical lifestyle"? you ask.
(Or so I imagine my non-existent readers to prod at.)
Well, since I have been trying to be more pro-active in charity and think about the products I use, such as when I wrote my resolutions in Jan-ur-February
here or when I talked about how I was to include charitable activities in my life
here, my feelings towards
doing good for people, animals and the environment has become much stronger.
Ah, how do I say all this without sounding like a lost hippy...
I'm not going on the lines of something as sappy as "I've finally found the light!" but I do think I've come to a lasting realisation of how damn cruel the world is. I've never thought a lot of things were fair, but I've heard and seen a lo these days that has shocked me.
It is incredibly difficult to "change the world" completely, but I do believe small changes can build towards some improvement.
Since about 2 years ago I've tried to be more conscious about what I buy and use, but I see now that I wasn't conscious enough. There is so much more that I can do that could lead to more improvements.
To put it all in a list, I hope to live in the way so that;
- All the beauty products I use are not tested on animals
- Try to purchase as much fair trade and organic beauty products as possible
- Try to eat and purchase as much fair trade and organic products as possible
- Buy only second hand or fair trade clothing
- Try to throw out less, and recycle more
- Try to buy clothing made of organic or recycled material
- In general, look out for and try to use non animal tested, fair trade, recycled and organic products used in every day life (cleaning products, household items, etc)
Before anyone assumes the fact, I am not turning vegan or vegetarian.
I admire those who are, but I will honestly say I can not give up on my meat and dairy. I will therefore try to be more vegan in the beauty products I use, and try to buy organic meat and dairy foods. I have and can though, cut down on the amount of meat I eat, and I instead eat more organic eggs and soy bean produce.
Although it would of course be lovely if people around me become more conscious too, but I have no intention of pushing my ethics in my friends' faces. I will perhaps give presents that are vegan friendly such as beauty products, and choose a vegetarian option occasionally if we were to eat out together, but I don't expect everyone to think the same.
Truth is, I doubt I can be 100% ethical either. Fair trade and organic products are perhaps more expensive than those that aren't, which is blatantly due to the fact that the workers are being fairly paid for their work, but I don't exactly earn a big amount and I may not be able to afford certain items. I am considering sacrificing a few things, such as eating out less, buying less items of clothes and so forth in order that I can, though. On top of that, I'm not going to decline offers of going somewhere or eating something I was given because it doesn't abide by my new beliefs. I don't wish to lose the few but dear friendships I have.
I'm also not throwing everything I have which isn't ethical out the window at once either. I don't believe in wasting, so as I use things up, I am going to search for ethical alternatives. I hope to talk about it more in this Blog, and put up reviews which readers may find useful.
And there it is. It would be nice if I inspire anyone else out there :)