NOTE: The reason part of this post is hidden and
password-protected because it involves a topic which some people may not be able to comprehend, and also because I'd like to keep it a secret in regards to my work environment. Therefore, by agreeing to enter the password to read the post, you are respecting my privacy and making a promise to keep it hush-hush unless I give you permission to let certain people know about it. Savvy? Or else yer walkin' the planks, mateys, arr.
The password is my family name spelt backwards with the 4 digits of the year I was born after it. It's not hard to work out if you know me. If you really want to read the entry but can't work out the password, leave a comment.
On another note (and for those who didn't read the secret part of this entry),
check out my pretty toenails that I got done about 2 weeks ago. Gel nails again, because my toenails are still bruised and breaking apart, and gel-coating means it will last for much longer and help protect it. I also chose a dark blue to cover the bruises, but asked for one nail to be white, and a sort of foil-y affect on the big toes. Makes it seem quite wintry, no? I also tried a new nail salon. Gotta make use of all those "first time customers" coupons, haha. Still haven't managed to settle with one salon of preference yet.
Please excuse my ugly, weird looking toes... |
Oh, and apparently the World Ends today. Check out my
Twitter to see how my last day on earth was like.
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