I'm not much of a swearer, but these two numbers jumped up on me from nowhere.
And hello, it's a random update again.
Before I delve into the agonies of turning 3-years-before-30, I will let readers know, if any, that I have been fiddling around with my Blogs and have made a few changes. I now have 3 blogs;
- A Cup of Ethicalism - a new blog relating solely to my ethical lifestyle in Japan. This title used to be for my photo blog, but I found this title to be the most fitting for this content. If you are interested in how I try to live more ethically through buying fair trade, cruelty free products, and take part in charity and environmental activities in Japan, check it out yo. This will be my most updated blog of the three.
- My Pegasus Sky - my phobot blog, previously named 'A cup of Materialism/Ethicalism'. Content is still the same as before; full of amateur photography I've taken as a hobby. Updated whenever I want to share some pretty pictures focusing around eating out, travelling, fashion, scenery
- Fish'n'Chips with Soysauce - this blog. My personal blog, and my most pointless blog I suppose now that I have decided to keep my ethical lifestyle posts separate. Random posts of life, issues I'm concerned with, and life in Japan. Updated whenever I have the urge to ramble something.
...and back to my aging issue.
For some reason, 27 to 28 doesn't sound like such a big jump, but 26 to 27 does. I'm....mature. Or should be.
It also means I have been living in Hokkaido, Japan for exactly 5 years now. It's an odd mix of feeling like I've lived here forever and feeling like I only arrived yesterday.
One thing is for sure though, is that I will probably not return to live in England.
I'm planning on posting my reasons why in a future post, for those who read this and fell off their chairs in horror.
Aside the fact that I am turning the "mature" 27, I will be having a 17yr old style birthday party. Nomihoudais at two restaurants, making a grand total of 4 hours of alcoholic beverage consuming, plus hopping to a bar and ending in a club, if I'm still standing straight. Will be spending it with some close friends and I am shamelessly looking forward to it.
Also, I have begun a new job in the translating field in TV since 2 weeks ago; pretty much my dream come true! Aside from my low pay for the first 6 months, things are going pretty good, and they are holding a kangeikai for me tonight. Two nights in a row of drinking and eating.
And yes, that diet I was talking about in my last post has been out the window for a while.
And yes, that diet I was talking about in my last post has been out the window for a while.
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