Enjoyed a lazy, slightly late breakfast.

Rye bread toast with sesame seed honey, yoghurt with haskap (blue honey suckle) jam and vegetable juice.
Bought the bread yesterday from a bakery called 'Pan no Hiroba' in Sapporo. They include wholemeal flour in all their breads, and use only Hokkaido grown wheat.

Haskap is famous in Hokkaido and you can find many jams, juice and other foods using this delicious fruit.
The sesame seed honey sounds unusual but it's good for you and tastes great! I bought mine from 'Jupiter'.
I try to choose thick, strong tasting vegetable juice as although you can find a lot if vegetable "yasai" juices in Japan, but you can't depend on ones that taste sweet and are generally easier to drink for nutrition.
I found organic vegetable juices which are the best, alas they are more expensive and I am sadly unable to afford them on my current low wage.
Off to an onsen (hot spring bath) tonight!
- Pan no Hiroba (website in Japanese)
- Jupiter Imports Foods (website mainly in Japanese)
- Health benefits of Sesame seeds
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