As one can see from my last few posts, if anyone has, my mum and brothers came to stay for a few days. On the day before they left, we went to "Shiroi Koibito Park" in Sapporo. Hokkaido is full of goodness when it comes to edibles, and "Shiroi Koibito" is one of their most famous and top souvenirs from Sapporo. And, as with any selling merchandise or food, they have a somewhat amusement park for it, which was, well, as the name goes, "Shiroi Koibito Park".
We iced cookies. See?
Mine is one on the left. The image I had for it was an Alice in Wonderland-esque theme, hence the crappy heart, spade and clover. The part in brackets was an addition suggested by my youngest brother (an inside joke between us). The one next to it is my youngest brother's own masterpiece, which I like to call "the-pig-that-will-eat-you-instead-NOW-DIE". Again, this realistic sketched-like pig picture is an inside joke between us. Reminded me of something out of Princess Mononoke.
Moo and my middle brother's works. His, on the left, is a failed attempt at drawing a wrinkly old lady (inside joke no.3), and as you can quite clearly see, he gave up. Guess it would taste pretty good with all that icing. Moo's, on the right, is a portrayal of us three apparently, but as cute animals. I'm the bunny in the middle, my youngest brother is the lanky, skinny squirrel on the left and my middle brother, is the grumpy bear, with his crutches. Thought it was rather darn cute myself. The words at the top read "Kepoi Kids". Again, another inside joke. You'll learn our family is full of our own jokes. Most people wouldn't have a clue about what we're talking about most of the time.
As well as icing cookies, we made Sugar Craft animals. Not edible, unfortunately.
Top: my cats creation. My un-steady hand failed at drawing the faces and hearts. Bottom: My youngest brother's much more creative piece of work. Didn't get a chance to get snaps of Moo and my middle brother's pieces.
And this is how they make candy, kids.
The making process of the famous "Shiroi Kobito" biscuits. Not quite Charlie's Chocolate Factory, but still rather interesting.
Some more random pictures from the day;
01. Moo. You can tell where my brothers and I get our absurdity from.
02. I would have to have a few words with my brother if he starts bringing women home like this.
They left the next day.
The only picture I managed to snap of my middle brother, the morning they left before I dashed out the door for work. I never managed to catch a shot of his leg in his black cast-supporter-thing, which my youngest brother jokingly called his "Goth Boot". I laughed. Cruel, but true.
I will miss them a lot. Though strangely I don't want to go back, yet. I do love it here in Japan, but as I'm so close to my family it can be a bit lonely at times. I find I can only really be myself 100% with my family. I'm not really sure why, it's not like I feel uncomfortable with my friends and I do a lot of stupid things around them and not care about it, but I suppose I feel more comfortable being stupid with my family...? I guess I don't want to scare my friends off with my strange sense of humour and randomosity, haha.
Oh yeah, it was my birthday last Friday. I'm freakin' 25. Age has never bothered me, unlike most Japanese who start having a crisis after they hit 26 or something ridiculous, but 25 sounds pretty old. I feel like I should be much more mature. I guess it's not in my genes.
See? The drunken, "Japanese-girl-kawaii-pose" of herself mobile-phone picture says it all. I highly lack in maturity. Though a lot of Japanese people say I'm mature for my age, but I think that's to do with culture differences, and the fact that Japanese people don't leave home unless they marry and live with their parents till they're 40 if they're still single. Note I am largely generalising, but cases like that do exist.
Oh, and reason for the leis around my neck is that on my birthday night, I booked a Hawaiian bar for a few close friends and I to drink at. They had many wonderful Hawaiian cocktails. Mmmhm.
And ur, I bought the cake myself. I'm not selfish though, cause I paid for it to be eaten by me and all my friends! It was a Baskin and Robbins (all "31" as they refer to it here) ice-cream cake. It was a little embarrassing when I was ordering the cake and they asked me what name to write on it, then asked for my contact details. I wrote my English name for my contacts. Eheh heh heh.
It was an interesting night. I'm sure most of you are able to work out what I mean by "interesting". But it didn't end with my head down the toilet, and I made sure I had plenty of water before I went to bed so the damage was less painstaking in the morning.
I have been very, very bad with buying clothes recently. Hey, didn't I write about that in a Blog entry recently too? Change "recently" to "always", then, though not punctually correct if I just replaced the word. Anyway, yes. I should not own a credit card. But I am extremely satisfied with my wardrobe right now. I should make an entry dedicated to it soon. I always said I would and I haven't, so be prepared, fashionistas!
The cookies look really cute! :D
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